Photo of Jean-Cyril WalkerPhoto of Sheila Millar

In a notice approved for publication in the Federal Register, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) advised on March 27, 2020 that it is soliciting feedback on proposed new EnergyGuide label requirements for portable air conditioners. The FTC’s Energy Labeling Rule requires manufacturers to attach yellow EnergyGuide labels to major home appliances and other consumer products to help consumers compare models’ energy usage and costs.

In prior calls for comments on the Energy Labeling Rule, The FTC garnered feedback from industry, consumer groups, and other stakeholders in favor of, or unopposed to, EnergyGuide labels for portable air conditioners. However, a regulatory freeze in January 2017 caused the Department of Energy (DOE) to postpone finalizing efficiency standards for portable air conditioners and the Commission likewise delayed finalizing the label requirements. Now that a new compliance date has been set by the DOE, the Commission proposes requiring EnergyGuide labeling for portable air conditioners to coincide with new DOE efficiency standards for portable air conditioners beginning January 10, 2025.

The FTC also seeks comments on updating the Rule to conform with new DOE energy descriptors for central air conditioners and current requirements for layout, format, and adhesion of EnergyGuide labels.

Comments from interested stakeholders should be submitted 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, which is expected soon.